Sunday, October 2, 2011

Where is the love?

Whatever happened to the love?  It seems to me that everyone under the age of 40 detests and despises Seniors.  We are being portrayed as not only old and no longer useful, but a drain on the economy.  There are people who would like to cut all the benefits to seniors and make us just disappear.  Where is the love?

First the lies about social security are now popular.  The system is not bankrupt and if the government had never dipped into the funds we would have enough for everyone.  But during the Reagan administration the social security fund was moved into the general fund where Congress could tap into it to use for whatever stupid reason they wanted.

Seniors are your grandparents, the people who nurture you and everyone in your family. They should be loved, revered and respected not dissed.  It seems popular among the Tea Party crowd to make seniors the scapegoats for all problems in this world.

It seems popular now to pit one group against another, for instance, young people vs. seniors, Latino vs. African Americans, right vs left, etc.  What the hell is happening to this country, there is so much hate, I keep asking "Where is the love?"

Seniors are a key element to this country, we have the knowledge, the experience and love and passion that young people have yet to attain.  The way things are going I am not sure how many people will ever attain the status of senior.

There are lots of problems in the country for sure, but to blame everything on seniors is a lie and it must stop.

Where is the love?

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